2500 hair transplant FUE Ergin Er

Hair transplant result with FUE in 6 months

Procedure :
Clinic :
Graft amount :
Patient’s age :
Operation date :
Last update :
Medical treatment :

Dr Ergin Er Istanbul
2500 Grafts
6 Months

Objectives of the intervention:
Hairline reconstruction performed by Dr Ergin Er’s team.
This young patient has received 2500 grafts FUE. This intervention is 5000-5500 hair, which can cover all of his baldness. The procedure is performed on day 1.
Only half of regrowth (6 months after surgery), the patient receives a new design of the front line. We will upload photos to 9 months and 12 months postoperatively.

15 days after the hair transplant

3 months after the hair transplant

6 months after the hair transplant